
This is a random blog of blogging goodness. I hope you all feel welcome here and enjoy the random bloggy goodness.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


So, today I wrote The Literacy Test in school. It wasn't bad, although it was really hyped up. I don't really understand the point. I know that the government wants to be sure we're learning and know, at least some English, but really? That much hype? For what? I test I probably could have passed in Grade 2? Well, maybe not the essay, but other than that... and definitely by grade 5! Why waist over 3 hours of precious class time, plus all the practice and prep, so really, closer to 5 hours or more. I just don't see that much difference. Why not hold a test for, say, maybe even 1 hour, with a bit of prep before hand, and cover the same sort of thing. And don't stress the kids out about it. Seriously, That thing was easy, but it was SO hyped up, that I am really surprised people didn't have stress attacks beforehand, or even during (although, for all I know, people did). I'm not saying don't do the test at all, just, try and find a better way to do so, it could be done with so much less stress.