
This is a random blog of blogging goodness. I hope you all feel welcome here and enjoy the random bloggy goodness.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to change the world

So, how can I change the world? Well, how did anyone start? The world is really different then from even just 100 years ago, let alone the thousands that it has been here for, so how did it get to where things are today? Everything started with just one person, it started as a thought and an idea, this changed and transformed, and grew into something much bigger. Something not only life changing, but world changing. So changing the world should be quite simple, it's been done before, and with today's technologies it should make it that much easier, shouldn't it? Couldn't someone do something as simple as, start a web page, write a blog, or send out a mass e-mail and everyone would find out and take part? But is technology really all it's cracked up to be? If anyone could do this, and it worked, then why is the world the same today as it was yesterday? Why is it that bad things are still happening in the world, and the majority of the humans on this earth, and in the western world especially, go on and live their lives like the world is one big happy place without the slightest chance of something bad happening? You CAN make a difference, but better yet, WE CAN.